jeudi 25 septembre 2008

Dying to be thin


Our children are surrounded by images of physical perfection, so it's little wonder that many of them develop eating disorders. I clearly don't agree with what the younguer generation is surrounded by. People just have to accept the way they are weather they like it or not, being skinny won't make you a become a better person or anything. Obviously not everyone is completely satisfied with the way they look and having models and such being such an influence on them can lead to being pbsessed with their weight or the way they look in the futur.

Model dies from Anorexia

21 year old Brazilian model Ana Carolina Reston died on Tuesday November 14th from Anorexia. At the time of her death she was 1.72m tall and 40 kilos which is 5'7" and 88 pounds. Ana Carolina was a model for Ford, Elite, and L'Equipe. The obession of being so thin can clearly be dangerous and even fatal but nobody chooses to listen. It`s a shame people put their lives in is ''beautiful''.

dimanche 21 septembre 2008

Who is responsible for under-aged drinking?

Who is responsible for under-aged drinking? Certainely not themselves. Alcohol has been a growing problem for countless years and it is becomming an issue with our younger generation.

Nobody is particularily responsible for under-aged drinking, the alcohol is the one to blame. Peer pressure, the media, depression and many other issues can make a person turn to alcohol.

Teenagers feel the need to drink in order to have fun, but once they are intoxicated, they become more unsafe because of their lack of common sense and their amount of carelessness towards dangerous situations. Aslo, once girls drink to the point where they don't know what they're doing, they become vulnerable and really bad things could happen, even life threatenning, but things like that an't only happen to girls, it can happen to anyone.

What is becomming of teenagers today? will our children do the same or become even worse? there's really no knowing how things will become over the years. By the looks of it, things aren't getting any better.

mercredi 10 septembre 2008

You tell me...

How many "average" sized models have you seen?
Barely any at all... You see, maybe if we had more plus sized models, teens and people in general wouldn't feel so pressured to be so thin. Having plus sized models would make young girls feel so much better about themselves, they wouldn't worry so much about their image because they feel that they have to look a certain way to be accepted by others. It would truly prove that bigger girls can be models too and that's what young girls would like to see. Men like girls with meat on their bones anyways!

Why I think people become anorexic or bullemic

Most people who are anorexic or bullemic begin when they think they are over-weight. Alot of people aren't even over-weight, they just see themselves as a different person and have self-esteem issues. Sometimes even Family members and peers who put too much pressure on them to have a certain image are the reason behind it. And you can't forget about the skinny models and celebrities you see on tv. I honestly think that if you're really that un-happy with yourself, just exercise, diet, whatever it is, just be careful about it, be healthy. Anorexia and bullemia are both so dangerous for your health and ofcourse, unattractive. You'll die before you're skinny enough anyways...

lundi 8 septembre 2008

What I'm saying

Okay so, one of the things that really bother me about models are that they are TOO SKINNY! they starve themselves and make themselves throw-up after they eat something to make themselves become what they think is ''beautiful''. But honestly, who thinks skin and bones is beautiful?...Exactly. Take a look at these pictures and tell me what you think...