jeudi 27 novembre 2008
On december 12th, I'm going to my boyfriend's semi, apparently it's so much better then garnier's semi because alot of people (most of the grades) show up and there's a party after too. I'm pretty stocked on it, it'll be a really good weekend. I'm going to wear a high black skirt with suspenders and a wife beater with heals, exactly what I wore for my grad pictures. I'm too poor to buy something else. I hate going somewhere with alot of people I don't know when the person you're with knows everybody because it's so awkward, just as long as he doesn't leave me alone (wich he won't) haha, I'll be good!
mardi 25 novembre 2008
Christmas is coming.

Christmas is coming and I'm not as excited asd I should be. Ofcourse I have to be excited because it's christmas but this year it might not be as good as all the other years. Well first of all, I don't think I 'll have enough money to buy everyone a really good gift because I still need to buy alot of things I need for myself before I an spend on other people. I have to pay my mom back for any money I owe her, I have to pay for my prom ticket, I have to pay for a semi-formal outfit, I have to pay for my school dette, there's just too much so I'm a little scared. I'm also kindof worried of what I'm going to get from my dad, he never asks me what I want for christmas then gets me stuff that you know he randomley picked up at costco haha. but sometimes he gets me really good gifts, I rmemeber when I was around ten, for christmas, I'd go over to his place in Scarborough, his girlfriend and 4 other people who lived there and I got litterally two garbage bags full of stuff. Nothing really big but still, it was sweet. But now that they have a little boy, they don't spend as much on my sister and I because we're alot older and my little brother is spoiled, it doesn't bother me though, I'm not spolied. I have a job and I can save up for something if I really want it so it's fine. I do love buying presents for people though, I sit there for hours trying to figure out the best present to get someone, I love when I get someone a gift that they really like, I try to be creative about it.
The Interview with the Vampire By Anne Rice.
So I started reading this book a few days ago, it's already getting interesting, I love books about vampires they're just so interesting.
This is the story of the Louis, as told in his own words, of his journey through mortal and immortal life. Louis recounts how he became a vampire at the hands of the radiant and sinister Lestat and how he became indoctrinated, unwillingly, into the vampire way of life. His story ebbs and flows through the streets of New Orleans, defining crucial moments such as his discovery of the exquisite lost young child Claudia, wanting not to hurt but to comfort her with the last breaths of humanity he has inside. Yet, he makes Claudia a vampire, trapping her womanly passion, will, and intelligence inside the body of a small child. Louis and Claudia form a seemingly unbreakable alliance and even "settle down" for a while in the opulent French Quarter. Louis remembers Claudia's struggle to understand herself and the hatred they both have for Lestat that sends them halfway across the world to seek others of their kind. Louis and Claudia are desperate to find somewhere they belong, to find others who understand, and someone who knows what and why they are.Louis and Claudia travel Europe, eventually coming to Paris and the ragingly successful Theatre des Vampires--a theatre of vampires pretending to be mortals pretending to be vampires. Here they meet the magnetic and ethereal Armand, who brings them into a whole society of vampires. But Louis and Claudia find that finding others like themselves provides no easy answers and in fact presents dangers they scarcely imagined.Originally begun as a short story, the book took off as Anne wrote it, spinning the tragic and triumphant life experiences of a soul. As well as the struggles of its characters, Interview captures the political and social changes of two continents. The novel also introduces Lestat, Anne's most enduring character, a heady mixture of attraction and revulsion. The book, full of lush description, centers on the themes of immor
tality, change, loss, sexuality, and power.
There's also a movie for this book, it came out november 11th 1994, the main actors are Bra Pitt as Louis, Christian Slater as Daniel, ton cruise as Lestat and Kirsten dunst as Claudia. It's a very good movie, it's pretty old so I think that makes it better, it really does follow the book and I really like that because most movies made based on the story of a book leave out or add some things. So I would recommend this movie to anyone who likes a good vampire story.
This is the story of the Louis, as told in his own words, of his journey through mortal and immortal life. Louis recounts how he became a vampire at the hands of the radiant and sinister Lestat and how he became indoctrinated, unwillingly, into the vampire way of life. His story ebbs and flows through the streets of New Orleans, defining crucial moments such as his discovery of the exquisite lost young child Claudia, wanting not to hurt but to comfort her with the last breaths of humanity he has inside. Yet, he makes Claudia a vampire, trapping her womanly passion, will, and intelligence inside the body of a small child. Louis and Claudia form a seemingly unbreakable alliance and even "settle down" for a while in the opulent French Quarter. Louis remembers Claudia's struggle to understand herself and the hatred they both have for Lestat that sends them halfway across the world to seek others of their kind. Louis and Claudia are desperate to find somewhere they belong, to find others who understand, and someone who knows what and why they are.Louis and Claudia travel Europe, eventually coming to Paris and the ragingly successful Theatre des Vampires--a theatre of vampires pretending to be mortals pretending to be vampires. Here they meet the magnetic and ethereal Armand, who brings them into a whole society of vampires. But Louis and Claudia find that finding others like themselves provides no easy answers and in fact presents dangers they scarcely imagined.Originally begun as a short story, the book took off as Anne wrote it, spinning the tragic and triumphant life experiences of a soul. As well as the struggles of its characters, Interview captures the political and social changes of two continents. The novel also introduces Lestat, Anne's most enduring character, a heady mixture of attraction and revulsion. The book, full of lush description, centers on the themes of immor

There's also a movie for this book, it came out november 11th 1994, the main actors are Bra Pitt as Louis, Christian Slater as Daniel, ton cruise as Lestat and Kirsten dunst as Claudia. It's a very good movie, it's pretty old so I think that makes it better, it really does follow the book and I really like that because most movies made based on the story of a book leave out or add some things. So I would recommend this movie to anyone who likes a good vampire story.
My job is already getting annoying.
Last thursday, I got my schedule for the week from Canadian tire and I wasn'st scheduled to work until wednesday. I thought that was pretty sick because I wouldn't have to work for almost a week because I was new. But sunday afternoon, at around 3:00, I get a call from my work, my manager told me I was scheduled to work that same day from 2:00 to 6:00, but it wasn't written on my schedule so I was really confused and frustratred with them because I'm watching a movie and just relaxing and then I get a call from them saying I need to get to work as soon as possible. So I'm there like freaking out a little bit because my mom isn't home to drive me to work and there are no reliable buses to take me there. So I get ready and hope that my mom gets home fast, then I decide to call them back and just tell them my mom isn't home yet and they told me to run to work. As if I was going to run in the freezing cold for two hours. I asked if I was going to get fired for that and he said no wich is a really good thing, I thought it would make me look like a really bad new employee. So thankfully my mother came back home around ten minutes after and I told her to step on it to get to work, I got there at around 3:15 and just got to work. So, I worked my entire shift, wich should have ended at 6:00, but they made me stay until 7:00 because I had to close. So now, even if my schedule says I finish work at a certain hour, I have to stay an extra hour later. Oh and I have to work a ten hour shift on saturday, so that should really suck.
mardi 18 novembre 2008
Canadian tire.
I just recently got a job at canadian tire on taunton beside Garnier. I'm really happy because I've been looking for work for a while now and I won't be broke anymore! So, I went to my orientation last wednesday and then started my trainning last night. I have to admit,the trainning part was really boring we had to watch my manager explain the cash for 4 hour, my legs and my back were hurting so bad, I but you couldn't sit anywhere, but my tr
ainner seemed pretty annoyed too. Tonight, I start my first shift on cash, I've done cash before at the GM center and starbucks but the cash at canadien tire is alot more complicated so I'm sure I'll be struggling a bit tonight, but luckily my trainner will be helping me and the other new cashiers the entire shift so it won't be that bad. Wierd thing is, I don't even know how much I get paid an hour yet, I hope it's a decent amount, I heard it was like 8. 20$ and hour, but that really sucks so I hope that's not it. So I'm really nervous to start on cash right away, it probably won't turn out as bad as I thought because I have some experience, but it'll be tricky at first. I think when I get the hang of it there, it won't be so bad and atleast I won't hate my job. It also seems like a good place where you would like to take off a few days, you can write it down on a schedule and you can get that day off and that's the first job I get that actually does it that way.
mardi 4 novembre 2008

Twilight, written by Stephenie Meyer began on june 2nd 2003. Stephenie had woken up from a very vivid dream, in her dream, there were two people having an intense conversation in a meadow in the woods. One of these people was just your average girl. The other person was fantastically beautiful, sparkly, and a vampire. They were discussing the difficulties inherent in the facts that A) they were falling in love with each other while B) the vampire was particularly attracted to the scent of her blood, and was having a difficult time restraining himself from killing her immediately. She didn't want to just forget her dream, so she started writting about it including every single detail she could remember. the book was originally published in hardcover in 2oo5. It is the first book of the Twilight series, and introduces seventeen-year-old Isabella "Bella" Swan who moves from Phoenix, Arizona, to Forks, Washington, and finds her life in danger when she falls in love with a vampire, Edward Cullen. The novel is followed by New Moon, Eclipse, and Breaking Dawn.
Twilight is an absolutely amazing book, it's actually addicting, once you pick it up and start reading it, you don't want to put it down. the reason why I love this book so much is because it's so interesting, there was never a moment in this book where I wasn't wondering about what would happen next or think that a part was boring and you can picture everything that is happening in your head so clearly. I completely fell in love with Bella and Edward as a couple, they are perfect. This book made me laugh, made me cry, made me angry, made me anxious and made me scared. I'm on the second book of the series now, it's called "New Moon" and so far so good! I can't wait to finish reading all of them!The movie for twilight is coming out on November 21st and I am so excited to see it, I doubt the movie will be as good as the book though.
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